The Blue Experiment is an experimental camera that tells the story of blue. The story is divided into 13 chapters that are mapped to 13 shades of blue. Each blue chapter is mapped to a soundtrack, sliced & trained like soldiers into 13 separate units by Google Teachable Machine.
But the soldiers hear the song, and they forget their training. The sound is a war cry from their leader. The raw industrial beats blur together with the fragile piano notes, creating an ethereal melodic battle between the 13 units. The shades of blue and their stories flash before your eyes like a battle scene. You're lost in the blue, escorted only by the harmony of the sound. But you want to remember. You have to remember. You see a weapon in the corner of your eye. Is it a gun? Is it a button? It doesn't matter. You pull the trigger. You're captured forever, wrapped in a blue chapter.
Exhibited at Public Works Administration as part of
(August - September, 2023)
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